Dependable wireless 4K video with Teradek 750 and 1500!
We saw the need to improve and bolster our wireless video capabilities, and what better way that with the Teradek 4K 750 LT and Teradek 4K 1500 LT! The strength of signal is much improved upon from the Teradek 500, especially with the inclusion of multiple antennas on both units. As the name suggests, these units are capable of 4K signal transfer via HDMI and 1080 via SDI. Teradek has made their units capable of mix-and-match along with increasing the number of receivers per transmitter to six! There are a myriad of other cool features we can talk about, but we suggest getting your hands on a set and testing it out for yourself! For your next Las Vegas camera rental or Las Vegas video production, make sure to reach out to us here at F11 Rentals for all of your gear and studio needs!
DJI Ronin RS 2 now available!
We are so excited to announce that we have added the latest gimbal offering from DJI to our inventory. We now proudly offer to you, the DJI Ronin RS 2! This new and improved gimbal improves upon the Ronin S with increased weight capacity, improved performance, and expanded abilities. Paired with a new Canon C70, and you're looking at a compact and very high quality solution for your next project. Make sure to jump over to the gear section and build your perfect setup for your next Las Vegas video production!
What's a Producer's Deck?
You're asking a great question! F11 Rentals has been on a mission to create the nicest film/photography studio in all of Nevada. That said, we invented a little something-something we like to call "The Producer's Deck". The Producer's Deck is a 16'x20' (320 square feet) deck that sits above our Hair, Makeup and Wardrobe room. The deck gives it's occupants a bird's eye view of our awesome cyclorama stage and the rest of our studio. It's one of a kind! (As far as we know.)
The deck comes equipped with a couch, a large work table, mini-fridge, and television that can live-stream what is being captured on the stage! There is also a very nice rug that really ties the room (deck) together.
The reason behind having the deck is simple, Producers are special and they deserve their own space. It's not that they get in the way of the crew and you can't really tell them to scram... no, not that. It's a cool, unique and hopefully awesome space for Producer's, above-the-line folks, and anyone else who wants to chill.
In conclusion, please book our space so that you may experience the majesty and glory that we have created for you.
Green Screen Stage in Las Vegas!
If you're already familiar with our awesome new three-walled cyclorama stage, then perhaps you know that it can be painted. That's right! Our 35'x36' stage can be painted... pretty much any color you want. While Chroma Green has been the most popular choice away from matte white, we have had a few other requests, and bookings with various colors. We've had requests for black, blue, and even light pink; we've booked a photo shoot with baby spinach, which ended up looking nice!

Once we have our awesome, motorized light grid up, as well as the lights, then, you can potentially paint the dang thing any color you want with light. Until then though, this is a great way to add some razzmatazz to your shoot. Also, depending on your project, you may not be able to bath the stage in light, you may need to paint it... but, you'll figure that out.
So, for your next Las Vegas video shoot or photo shoot, look no further than your good friends at F11 Rentals. We'll bring the paint rollers!
The Benefits of a Haze Machine in Videos
A Haze Machine can be a very valuable tool for productions. Music Videos, Films, and Commercials are all examples of good times to add haze. Let's look at these examples more thoroughly.
Music Videos
First, Music Videos. Not every video or scene calls for the addition of haze, but a lot could. Adding haze to a party scene to add "atmosphere" is a very popular move. Additionally, if the song is heavier or darker, adding haze may intensify the heavy, dark, sinister mood of the song. There is a difference between haze and smoke, so take note of that; the haze is a lot lighter. So, if you're trying to soften up the image, maybe soften up a practical light source, haze is the way to go. If your artist/talent is supposed to walk through a smokey building, haze is not the way to go. In all, haze can give your music video just the right type of cinematic atmosphere and softness to make it stand out from the multitude of other videos.
Here's an example: FiveSix Productions of Las Vegas/Long Beach shot a short film in Utah. The film took place in a cabin in the woods, and was a physiological drama. Now, you may thinking, "Oh, the haze made the cabin creepy!" No. All the haze was used for was to create a bit of "atmosphere" in the rooms. It didn't look hazy at all, but, it did create a little bit of softness, and glow. To the untrained eye, you would never know it was hazy, but without, it wouldn't have looked so cinematic. Think of it like this: haze is to a cinematic look, as shallots are to a restaurant quality dish. Adding a tiny bit of haze will give the picture a little extra quality, and shallots will give a dish a little extra flavor.
Finally, commercials. Again, similar to films, there are so many different uses. Dense haze can add a rich atmosphere to beauty and fashion products. If you're creating a creepy environment such as a a haunted house, cemetery, etc., haze is great. Concerts or clubs of any kind generally have haze machines. Or, again, a dramatic, cinematic style commercial could really benefit from a tiny bit of haze to create 'atmosphere'.
So there you have it. If you have any questions, make sure to drop a line. If you would like to rent a Hurricane Haze Machine for your next project, make sure to reach out and we'll get you squared away!
Best Film Gear During Coronavirus!
As the production industry attempts to increase business and productions, it's important to be safe. There are always risks on set, but there are solutions for safety.
Similar to taping down cables, using shot bags on stands, and keeping clear pathways, COVID safety is key! Wearing a mask it a no brainer. It will help keep you and the crew safe... and it masks bad breath! Nevada law requires masks in most businesses and situations; sets and studios are no exceptions. Your on-screen talent is generally exempt from wearing a mask when on camera.
Lavaliere microphones should be used a little as possible. If a lavaliere is required, the talent should put it on themselves. A much better option is a shotgun microphone and boom pole. Both the Sennheiser MKH 416 and Schoeps CMIT 5 (my favorite) are great options! Another fun trick, if you're doing ENG interviews, is to use a handheld microphone on a boom pole. You can take the excellent Sennheiser MD 46 cardioid mic, put it on a boom pole, and keep your distance!
Makeup, Wardrobe, Hair:
Talent should come to set with their hair, makeup, and wardrobe done. If however you need touchups or small fixes, crew should wear masks, visors, and gloves. All of these items are readily available for purchase, and don't cost much. The typical problem of a little shine on talent is easily remedied with "shine killer". NYX makes a great "shine killer" that talent can easily apply to their own skin.
Lenses and 4K:
Lastly, while the CDC and other medical experts have said that masks are the key to stopping the spread, socially distancing is needed too. You can only stay so distant on set, so here are a couple items to help you along. Use a longer lens like a Canon 70-200mm L-Series; or heck, a 100-400mm lens, and shoot from really far away! Also, consider investing in UHD/4K. Having the ability to crop in will make it possible to stay further apart, and have less people on set. (The idea is you don't need as many cameras...)
So, there are some ideas and suggestions to keep us safe, healthy, and working. Best of luck!
Best Microphones in the Wind.
Unless you're making a movie about tornadoes or the sea, wind is not good. Heck, even when you're making a movie about tornadoes or the sea, wind is not good. You don't actually want wind, especially the audio department. What audio wants, is to put the sound of the wind in during post production. However, sometimes, it just can't be helped; so, here are a couple of mics that are great in the wind:
Sennheiser MD 46. This hand-held microphone is phenomenal in loud situations. Whether you're talking wind, loud music, traffic, whatever, this microphone will sound clean and crisp. The microphone was specifically designed for interviews in loud environments, and maximizes it's cardioid audio receiving design.
Schoeps CMIT 5. This shotgun microphone is industry standard for a reason! Light weight, dependable, and squeaky clean audio capture make it a must have! Coupled with our zeppelin and faux-fur wind cover, you'll have no problem battling the elements.
If you have a production coming up that needs guaranteed, clean audio, reach out and we'll get you set up with a great microphone and audio mixer.
Most Popular New Production Lights
While the Astera Titan Tubes have been out for a while, they're still hugely popular with Vegas productions. From car commercials to music videos and short films, these lights are amazing! Their range and diversity make them one of the hottest lights in the industry. What's more exciting for us than the Titans however, are the Gemini 1x1 LED panels by Litepanels. The Geminis are essentially Skypanels in a 1x1 frame. The output is brilliant, the bouquet of built in filters is incredible. They can work well as interview lights or as a key source. For your next Las Vegas video production rental, make sure to include a Titan kit or a couple Geminis!
Most Popular Cameras from Summer 2019
The Sony FS7 Mark II enjoyed quite a bit of work during the flurry of spring conventions. The FS7 after all, is very popular for run-and-gun, ENG style shoots that usually accompany trade shows. As late spring turned into summer, and the trade shows took their normal breaks, so too did the FS7s. This summer saw the resurgence of popularity amongst the always impressive Canon C300 Mark II. Both commercials and high-end corporate projects dominated the summer months, and the C300 Mark II is perfect for such scenarios. The excellent range of picture profiles, 4K capability, and advanced image processing make this a go-to camera; especially with our cinema lenses. The FS7 did enjoy a hand full of "reality TV" days, as it's again, great for run-and-gun style shooting. Finally, the end of summer saw our Arri Alexa Mini go out for both a short film in Utah, and a few of Las Vegas' exciting music festivals. The truly cinematic capabilities of the Alexa Mini made it a no-brainer for the short film, as well as the very high-end demands of IHeartMusic and Life Is Beautiful. We are definitely looking forward to seeing what autumn brings!