With an onboard flywheel added and stability increased, the Duzi 4 is the result of Cinevate‘s pursuit to perfect its most lightweight and compact slider. The Duzi 4 supports up to 100 lb loads, and offers smooth and consistent slides for even lighter cameras thanks to the flywheel.
The flywheel adds inertial dampening, providing a degree of resistance that allows for more control. The flywheel also brings about better stability and precision. It’s integrated on the bottom of the slider carriage, with a wider design for a thinner overall profile. Accordingly, the Duzi was also redesigned to be an inch wider, providing for a more stable system.
The Duzi 4 is a roller-bearing slider made of hardened aluminum and stainless steel, and featuring solid carbon fiber rails. It comes with six non-scratch, micro-adjustable urethane ball feet, with two on each end as well as two on the slider carriage. The two on the slider carriage attach slightly to the side, are suspended, and provide additional support for heavier loads.