Las Vegas Production Offices

What's a Producer's Deck?

You're asking a great question! F11 Rentals has been on a mission to create the nicest film/photography studio in all of Nevada. That said, we invented a little something-something we like to call "The Producer's Deck". The Producer's Deck is a 16'x20' (320 square feet) deck that sits above our Hair, Makeup and Wardrobe room. The deck gives it's occupants a bird's eye view of our awesome cyclorama stage and the rest of our studio. It's one of a kind! (As far as we know.)

The deck comes equipped with a couch, a large work table, mini-fridge, and television that can live-stream what is being captured on the stage! There is also a very nice rug that really ties the room (deck) together.

The reason behind having the deck is simple, Producers are special and they deserve their own space. It's not that they get in the way of the crew and you can't really tell them to scram... no, not that. It's a cool, unique and hopefully awesome space for Producer's, above-the-line folks, and anyone else who wants to chill.

In conclusion, please book our space so that you may experience the majesty and glory that we have created for you.