Recently our parent company, FiveSix Productions, was tasked with filming a sixteen-person round table discussion at the Delano Hotel here in beautiful Las Vegas, Nevada. In order to accommodate the 365° of Canon C300s, they needed to rig three China Balls overhead. We took the opportunity to acquire a really awesome tool to help facilitate their needs. We purchased an American Grip Menace Arm Kit that includes:

  • (1) Center Post 9″
  • (1) Front Baby / Junior Pipe Mount
  • (1) Rear Sandbag Mount

Using one of our big combo stands, and a ten foot pole, along with some straps and lots of dirt, they were able to successfully and cleanly mount all three China balls and get the desired lighting. This awesome little get up is of course available for rent today!

imgMenace Arm #menacearm #americangrip #lasvegasvideoproducion #gripgear