We’ve officially taken the plunge and got our hands on a new Canon C300 Mark III Cinema Camera! The latest in the extremely popular, rugged, and versatile EOS C300 line features a Super 35mm Dual Gain Output sensor with up to 16 stops of high dynamic range capability, providing superior HDR recording with low noise.

Canon improved on it’s ability to film at high frame rates above 1920×1080; you can know record at up to 120 fps in true 4K, and up to 180 fps in 2K cropped. The Mark III offers Canon Log 2 and 3 gamma modes and the imaging quality that has come to be expected from Canon Cinema.

Beyond the tech features/improvements, some physical aspects of the camera have been greatly improved. The XLR inputs have been moved onto the camera body itself, leaving the LCD monitor to be streamlined and more robust. What was once a weak point in the LCD/XLR input hot shoe mount has been replaced with a sturdier design.

The camera also seems to have grown ever so slightly in size, enabling a few more buttons to be added to the side, saving time going through the menu.

After a few trial runs, it’s clear that while the Mark II is still a fan favorite, the Mark III is going to quickly rule the roost. Make sure to reach out and give this camera a go on your next Las Vegas video production.

MarkIII 3C300 Mark III now available!
Canon C300 Mark III