Dependable wireless 4K video with Teradek 750 and 1500!
We saw the need to improve and bolster our wireless video capabilities, and what better way that with the Teradek 4K 750 LT and Teradek 4K 1500 LT! The strength of signal is much improved upon from the Teradek 500, especially with the inclusion of multiple antennas on both units. As the name suggests, these units are capable of 4K signal transfer via HDMI and 1080 via SDI. Teradek has made their units capable of mix-and-match along with increasing the number of receivers per transmitter to six! There are a myriad of other cool features we can talk about, but we suggest getting your hands on a set and testing it out for yourself! For your next Las Vegas camera rental or Las Vegas video production, make sure to reach out to us here at F11 Rentals for all of your gear and studio needs!
Aputure lights up Vegas!
We recently invested in some amazing light from Aputure, and we are thrilled! We purchased some Aputure LS 600X light for both our motorized lighting truss in our studio, as well as a few to rent out. With those, we added some F10 Fresnels along with barn doors for added lighting control. We also have Aputure LS 300X lights with a few extra items such as lanterns, lenses, etc. These LEDs offer a really dynamic and versatile light source that is low draw, easy to use, and really pushes your creative boundries. Make sure to add some to your next Las Vegas video production!
Protecting your equipment and crew doesn't start and stop on set, it's a full time objective that deserves the utmost attention. Safely and securely storing your equipment, transportation to and from set, and diligence on location, safety and security are a top priority. There are a few main areas to focus on when it comes to protecting your equipment and personal property from theft.
First, how secure is your equipment at your home/office/studio? Do you have a gear cage, are the cases locked, how inconspicuous is your setup? Cages are not cheap, for sure, but there are some steps you can take to protect your items if that setup won't work for you. Padlocks and zip ties on gear won't necessarily stop the item from being taken, but it may deter a potential thief from knowing what you have. From our experience (unfortunately), not every thief knows the value of that Sennheiser MKH416 shotgun microphone, or that that Sigma Cinema lens is more expensive than the Sony a7S. Instead, they'll go for headphones, laptops, things they recognize. This can be a good thing if they make off with something relatively inexpensive and easy to replace, but being robbed is always a horrible experience. Being inconspicuous has real value, what can you do to make it as difficult as possible to see/recognize your equipment? What can you do to conceal your items going in and our of their storage place? Work harder than the thief would. Think like a thief. Have people you trust look at your setup and make sure you're not missing something.
Gear in your car. Here's a difficult one. You've got to get it to location somehow, and sometimes you need to leave your equipment in your vehicle while you grab food, get gas, etc. One thing you should never, ever do, is leave gear in your car overnight. At very least, take cameras, lenses, microphones, computers, all the really good stuff that thieves will recognize, and bring them with you. A couple extra cases lugged into your hotel or even into Chipotle is worth not getting broken into and robbed. Thieves work quick! You may think you're just having a 20 minute meal, but it only takes a couple minutes for someone to walk by your vehicle, notice that laptop bag on your passenger seat, and smash and grab.
Lastly for now, gear on set. Just because you've made it on set, does't mean you're safe. Do you know everyone on set? Are there additional staff, people around who may have an opportunity to grab something? It's one thing for someone to walk by your vehicle and know what they're looking it, it's a whole different story once all your amazing equipment is out in the open. If you're in a room at the L.V. Convention Center, the Sands Expo, or a suite at Mandalay Bay, make sure that you know your gear is watched over before you run off to grab a coffee or leave for the evening.
In conclusion. You don't want to live paranoid, but you also don't want to have your expensive and wonderful equipment stolen. Be diligent, invest in insurance, and be smart. A lot of this is simply premeditated steps you can do to ensure that you're operating using good habits. Best of luck, and see you on set!
The Importance of Lighting Control
Ask any true Gaffer, Director of Photography, Grip, or Photographer and they will tell you the absolute and unquestionable importance of quality lighting control. For, it's not just the quality of the lights, the camera, the lens, and the location, but the ability to control and create the perfect light for your scene that will make or break your shot.
Similar to really great captured audio, really great lighting may not be noticed by the common view, but bad audio/mediocre lighting will be! Anyone can pop up some LEDs or Fresnels, make a couple adjustments here and there, but to know how to diffuse/intensify the light, to bend it, shape it, warm or cool it to just the right temperature, that's what makes the difference. And, in order to become a Picasso or DiVinci or lighting, you'll need the right tools.
Starting with the right light fixture is of course the first step, after that, you'll need to make sure that you get the appropriate items to control the lights. Whether you'll need exterior dimmers, a flag set, 4x4 frames with diffusion or solid, gels, bounces, etc., we've got what you need.
Now, all this said, you should know when to say when... never let your friends over-adjust and drive... But, if you have time, make another change or two, just to see what it does to the scene; you never know when your masterpiece will be created!
For your next Las Vegas video production equipment rental or Sound Stage Booking, reach out to your buddies at F11 Rentals!
Aputure Space Lights now available!
We have invested in some really fantastic LED space lights for our studio and for rental! We placed four Aputure LS 600x Pro Lamps on our new Lighting Truss in our Cyclorama stage, and we have additional Aputure LS 600x Pros and a Aputure LS 300x available for rent. These space lights are amazing, they're RGBWW with a bunch of awesome effects, they draw a low amount of energy compared to traditional, non-LED space lights, and they run cool and quietly. The space lights in the studio completely open up the entirety of our three-walled cyc for filming, and the additional lights really expand our creative offerings in regards to different styles of lights.
Along with the lamps themselves, we also invested in an Aputure Spotlight Mount Set with a 26-degree lens that can be used with the 600x and 300x, and a couple of F10 Fresnel attachements and barn doors for our additional 600x Pros. Again, this provides a broad range of tools that will really enhance your scene/production. If you would like more information, please visit our website for more information, and of course, rent some lamps from us and see what you can create!
As always, for the best Las Vegas Sound Stage and best Las Vegas video production rentals look no further than F11 Rentals!
Canon EOS C70 now available!
We have exciting news! We've acquired a few of Canon's new ESO C70 cameras. These cameras are absolutely wonderful, and we would love to tell you about them...
Canon wanted to provide the Cinema EOS quality camera in an EOS R size unit. Think of this camera as a C300 Mark III as a really big DSLR. The size of the camera provides great flexibility and range in how you can support the camera, whether that be by a lighter tripod than the Cinema EOS cameras, a smaller gimbal such as the Ronin RS 2, and smaller drones. Despite the smaller size, the performance, reliability and image quality is great!
Some features include a Super 35mm Dual Gain Output, (DGO) Sensor that is capable of over 16 stops of dynamic range. The DIG!C DV7 Image Processor that you would find in similar Cinema cameras enables up to 4K 120p High Frame Rate recording and Dual Pixel Autofocus. There is also a full 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10-stop internal ND filter system! Lastly for this post, just like in the Cinema cameras, the EOS C70 supports both Canon Log 2 and Canon Log 3 Gamma. The C70 also features HLG and PQ compliance with ITU-BT.2100 in "Custom Picture" presets, which allows you to record HDR footage instantly without grading.
We could go on and on, but we know that's not what you want. What you want is to get your hands on these wonderful cameras, and take them for a spin. SO! Drop us a line, let us know when your next Las Vegas video production is, and we'll get you set up with a great package to capture your cinematic magic!
DJI Ronin RS 2 now available!
We are so excited to announce that we have added the latest gimbal offering from DJI to our inventory. We now proudly offer to you, the DJI Ronin RS 2! This new and improved gimbal improves upon the Ronin S with increased weight capacity, improved performance, and expanded abilities. Paired with a new Canon C70, and you're looking at a compact and very high quality solution for your next project. Make sure to jump over to the gear section and build your perfect setup for your next Las Vegas video production!
C300 Mark III now available!
We've officially taken the plunge and got our hands on a new Canon C300 Mark III Cinema Camera! The latest in the extremely popular, rugged, and versatile EOS C300 line features a Super 35mm Dual Gain Output sensor with up to 16 stops of high dynamic range capability, providing superior HDR recording with low noise.
Canon improved on it's ability to film at high frame rates above 1920x1080; you can know record at up to 120 fps in true 4K, and up to 180 fps in 2K cropped. The Mark III offers Canon Log 2 and 3 gamma modes and the imaging quality that has come to be expected from Canon Cinema.
Beyond the tech features/improvements, some physical aspects of the camera have been greatly improved. The XLR inputs have been moved onto the camera body itself, leaving the LCD monitor to be streamlined and more robust. What was once a weak point in the LCD/XLR input hot shoe mount has been replaced with a sturdier design.
The camera also seems to have grown ever so slightly in size, enabling a few more buttons to be added to the side, saving time going through the menu.
After a few trial runs, it's clear that while the Mark II is still a fan favorite, the Mark III is going to quickly rule the roost. Make sure to reach out and give this camera a go on your next Las Vegas video production.

What's a Producer's Deck?
You're asking a great question! F11 Rentals has been on a mission to create the nicest film/photography studio in all of Nevada. That said, we invented a little something-something we like to call "The Producer's Deck". The Producer's Deck is a 16'x20' (320 square feet) deck that sits above our Hair, Makeup and Wardrobe room. The deck gives it's occupants a bird's eye view of our awesome cyclorama stage and the rest of our studio. It's one of a kind! (As far as we know.)
The deck comes equipped with a couch, a large work table, mini-fridge, and television that can live-stream what is being captured on the stage! There is also a very nice rug that really ties the room (deck) together.
The reason behind having the deck is simple, Producers are special and they deserve their own space. It's not that they get in the way of the crew and you can't really tell them to scram... no, not that. It's a cool, unique and hopefully awesome space for Producer's, above-the-line folks, and anyone else who wants to chill.
In conclusion, please book our space so that you may experience the majesty and glory that we have created for you.
Green Screen Stage in Las Vegas!
If you're already familiar with our awesome new three-walled cyclorama stage, then perhaps you know that it can be painted. That's right! Our 35'x36' stage can be painted... pretty much any color you want. While Chroma Green has been the most popular choice away from matte white, we have had a few other requests, and bookings with various colors. We've had requests for black, blue, and even light pink; we've booked a photo shoot with baby spinach, which ended up looking nice!

Once we have our awesome, motorized light grid up, as well as the lights, then, you can potentially paint the dang thing any color you want with light. Until then though, this is a great way to add some razzmatazz to your shoot. Also, depending on your project, you may not be able to bath the stage in light, you may need to paint it... but, you'll figure that out.
So, for your next Las Vegas video shoot or photo shoot, look no further than your good friends at F11 Rentals. We'll bring the paint rollers!